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Restaurant photo
Restaurant photo
Restaurant photo
Restaurant photo
Restaurant photo
Restaurant photo
Micael Memmi
Justine De Castelbajac
    Owner of the restaurant Zo: Micael Memmi  /  
    Director of the restaurant Zo: Justine De Castelbajac


     -  Mediterranean Cuisine
    13, rue Montalivet - Paris 8ème
    Lunch: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
    Dinner: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

    Near the Élysée Palace, visit the Zo restaurant, with its interior decor and its bright African colours, making it fun and trendy in the daytime and more intimate in the evening. Its no-borders food will take you from Japan to France. Great healthy products, simply prepared with exotic flavours, that's the recipe for success for this “cantine” at Faubourg Saint-Honoré street in the 8th district. As the first sunrays of Spring come out, enjoy the temporary outdoor seating area located on the small piazza across the street!

    Menu extract of the restaurant Zo

    Restaurant Zo's starters

    15,00 €
    Ceviche de saumon
    11,00 €
    Beignets de mozzarella
    14,50 €
    Tartare de thon au citron vert et avocat
    11,50 €
    Duo de betteraves, mesclun, burrata et poivrons jaunes rôtis
    12,00 €
    Ravioles de Royan façon Zo ( crème de basilic, chapelure sicilienne )

    Restaurant Zo's main courses

    25,00 €
    Coeur de filet de boeuf, sauce vierge au balsamique blanc et câpres
    26,00 €
    Steak de thon aller-retour, sauce vierge, salade mesclun
    25,00 €
    Saumon mi-cuit au citron vert et soja, asperges croquantes
    20,00 €
    Linguine à la crème de truffe et champignons rosés émincés
    22,00 €
    Mini-duckburgers ( effiloché de canard, pousses d'épinard, échalotes confites )

    Restaurant Zo's desserts

    11,00 €
    Mochi mochi
    11,00 €
    Tiramisù au Nutella
    11,00 €
    Cheesecake au citron vert
    11,00 €
    Tarte aux citrons d'Amalfi et noisettes du Piémont
    11,00 €
    Caparccio d'ananas, citron vert, menthe fraîche, fruit de la passion

    45,00 €
    Average price a la carte
    Vin à la robe dorée, aux nez de violette sur des notes fumées et grillées, une bouche complexe, minérale, puissante et étoffée.
    The abuse of alcohol is dangerous for health, consume with moderation